Habitual Sleepers | Child Sleep Consultant | Newborn Night Nurse | Child Behavior Specialist

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Tips to Help Your Child Sleep After a Move

  • Continue to maintain a regular and consistent schedule as possible before, during, and after a move.

  • Avoid taking your child to any stores when they should be sleeping.

  • If your child is younger than 12 months, only take a couple of days to adjust. Ignore protest crying that may have happened during the move.

  •  For an older child, go slower. Moving can come with fears of newness and instability, and regarding further changes may cause new problems like resistance to naps, difficulty falling asleep at night, or night wakings.

  • Be gentle, firm, and decisive. Reassurance, a night light, and open doors have a calming/soothing effect. Be consistent in controlling this extra comfort so that your child does not learn that it is indefinite.